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History of Forensic Entomology

There has been several reasons  for  experimentation with forensic entomology. The concept of forensic entomology started back to at least the 14th century. But only in the last 30 years forensic entomology been systematically explored as a feasible source for evidence in criminal investigations. Through their own experiments and interest in arthropods and death, people like Song Ci, Francesco Redi, Bergeret d’Arbois, Jean Pierre Mégnin and the German doctor Hermann Reinhard have helped to make what forensic entomology is today

Song ci - 13th century

 Judicial Intendant who lived in China in the 13th century. In 1247 AD Song Ci wrote a book called Washing Away of Wrongs as a handbook for coroners. In this book Song Ci depicts several cases in which he took notes on how a person died and elaborates on probable causes. He explains in detail on how to examine a corpse both before and after burial. He also explains the process of how to determine a probable cause of death.  His detail level in explaining what he observed in all his cases laid down the fundamentals for modern forensic entomologists and is the first recorded account in history of someone using forensic entomology for judicial means.

The Italian physician Francesco Redi claimed that maggots developed spontaneously from rotting meat. In an experiment, he used samples of rotting meat that were either fully exposed to the air, partially exposed to the air, or not exposed to air at all.He showed that both fully and partially exposed rotting meat developed fly maggots, where rotting meat that was not exposed to air did'nt develop maggots. This discovery changed the way people viewed the decomposition of organisms and prompted further investigations into insect life cycles and into entomology.

Francesco Redi - 1668

Bergeret d'Arbois - 1814–1893 French hospital physician, and was the first to apply forensic entomology to a case.

Hermann Reinhard
a German medical doctor who played a vital role in the history of forensic entomology. The first systematic study in forensic entomology was conducted in 1881 by Hermann Reinhard, He also concluded that the development of only some of the insects living with corpses underground were associated with them, since there were 15-year-old beetles who had little direct contact with them. Reinhard's works and studies were used extensively in further forensic entomology studies.

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